Kit Page


There are several suppliers of WW1 Australian uniform.  Below is a list of uniform and suppliers.  By far the most expensive item for those wishing to represent infantryman is the MkIII SMLE .303.  Please note that if you wish to purchase a .303 and opt for a genuine weapon or a weapon not fully deactivated to Western Australian standards you must have the correct licenses and may not be allowed to display them in public.




Tunic                              -



Breeches                        -



Greyback Shirt               -

(Also in cream)         



Puttees                           -



Boots                              -




Braces                            -



                                  (What Price Glory)

Collar and shoulder

badges                          -  


Colour Patch                  -


Note that some items may be available on eBay at a lower price however, you must be aware that quality varies and may not always be suitable.  Note also that some retailers provide tunics with relevant badges already attached.




Slouch hat                     -



Webbing belt                 -






Trench cap                     -


Not to be confused with the British Army SD cap the Australian version is distinctive in colour and style. Warwicks are the only current supplier of the correct Australian SD cap


P08 Webbing sets         -






'1915' leather webbing   -






There are many companies providing officers uniforms, however, contemporary photographs suggest it is unlikely Australian officers wore the cuff tabs we are all popularly used to seeing.  Instead many photographs show Australian officers in standard infantrymens tunic, with boots and puttees rather than the 'cavalryman's style of British officers.




This is where you can go to town limited only by your wallet.  A lot of general equipment is now difficult to come by, namely entrenching tools, but they are available if you search for them.  You will find many period water bottles however, it is important to note that authentic WW1 water bottles were enamalled blue not green and there are three suppliers of blue water bottles: at a very reasonable price; and


For rations and a large number of stowed away items try:

For housewifes, early pattern gasmasks, dixies, mugs etc try military history workshops, what price glory, southern cross militaria.





 Uniform, tunic with 11th batt colour patch, slouch hat, full "1915" leather webbing in 'battle order' with blue enamalled waterbottle, bayonet and entrenching tool



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