Roll of Honour
The Australian War Memorial publishes a complete Roll of Honour for all Australians who died in World War One, (Link provided) so it is not our intention to replicate this; what we publish here is the honour roll of three events specific to the 11th Battalion at Gallipoli. The Rolls pertain specifically to these incidents and are therefore not complete lists of all 11th Battalion personnel who died during the Gallipoli campaign. However, it is likely we will engage in such a project in the near future to allow visitors to the trench to peruse such a roll in hard copy at their leisure.
For now find attached Honour Rolls of those serving with the 11th Battalion who made the ultimate sacrifice on:
25 April 1915 - The Landing
31 July 1915 - The attack on Turkish Despair Works (Leane's Trench)
6 August 1915 - The Battle for Leane's Trench (Turkish counter attack)